Primary link: Blended Value |
Mobilizing Resources to Achieve Blended Value
Core Practices:
- Retain market wealth-creation at the source.
- Turn social challenges into wealth-creation opportunities.
- Make resources more scalable and renewable.
Secondary link: Efficiency |
Mobilizing Resources to Achieve Greater Efficiency
- Mobilize resources that directly support knowledge development.
- Use valuation techniques to account for the hidden costs of resources.
- Those not wanting to support development costs are not suited for innovation.
Tertiary link: Depth of Impact |
Mobilizing Resources to Achieve Deeper Impact
- Use stakeholders as resources.
- Seek resources that facilitate or enhance stakeholder engagement.
- Become part of the mainstream market.
- Stay away from resources that hinder stakeholder engagement.
- One-size-fits-all resource requirements hinder access to poorer clients.
Quaternary link: Adaptability |
Mobilizing Resources to Achieve Greater Adaptability
- Take into consideration the inherently restricted nature of particular resources.
- Increase your focus on client needs instead of funder needs.
- Be aware that increased requirements for financial returns might have a counter-effect on building a more flexible culture.