Knowledge Development

Primary link:
Developing Knowledge to Achieve Greater Efficiency

Core Practices:

  • Development of appropriate technology.
  • Conduct a down-market needs analysis.
  • Develop more efficient supply chain models.
Secondary link:
Blended Value
Developing Knowledge to Achieve Blended Value


  • Use market research to improve knowledge of resource availability.
  • Develop appropriate technology to manage resources renewably.
  • Research the potential of less coveted/more available resources.


  • Be wary of over promising and under delivering.
  • Research requires upfront investments and associated financial risks.
Tertiary link:
Developing Knowledge to Achieve Greater Adaptability


  • Conduct ongoing market research to inform responses to emerging trends and opportunities.
  • Use business performance monitoring and information management practices to improve risk analysis and implementation strategies.


  • Be aware that temporary setbacks and risks inherent to the “trial and error” process central to research and innovation will trigger pressure to come back to a low-risk, more predicable charity mindset.
Quaternary link:
Depth of Impact
Developing Knowledge to Achieve Deeper Impact


  • Use market research to further understand root causes of social problem.
  • Develop technology appropriate to social context.
  • Develop processes that support the use of sustainable resources.


  • One-size-fits-all technology can limit access to harder-to-reach clients.
  • Risk of falling for the innovation smokescreen (“new is better”).